Folklorism in Works of I.I. Bashmakov (Ivan Ivanenko): The Interpretation of Fairytale Plots

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Key words
the “third culture”, a literary fairy tale, I.I. Bashmakov (Ivan Vanenko), the plot AA*735 I “Grief”
Vyacheslav A. Pozdeev, Konstantin A. Usatov
About the Author
Vyacheslav A. Pozdeev
https// 0000-0002-2880-8162
E-mail:, Tel.: +7 (8332) 74-28-89
36, Moskovskaya str., Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Teaching Methodology, Vyatka State University

Konstantin A. Usatov
E-mail:, Tel.: +7 (8332) 74-28-89
36, Moskovskaya str., Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation
PhD Candidate, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Teaching Methodology, Vyatka
State University
Date of publication

The article considers the special nature of fairytale “folk literature” of the middle of the nineteenth century in the context of the “third culture.” I.I. Bashmakov (Ivan Vanenko) may be described as a writer from the people or as a representative of mass culture, which undeniably affected his interpretation of folktales. The issue of Bashmakov’s folklorism as a writer of the people has not yet been specifically considered by scholars. This problem is only mentioned in a few works, and then only in the most general theoretical terms. The purpose of this article is to identify the specifics features of Bashmakov’s interpretation of folkloric plots, in particular that of “Grief,” as well as his use of other folklore elements.

In 1863, Bashmakov published “Gray Grief. The legend Told by Ivan Ivanenko. In three parts.” The plot is a variant of the plot AA*735 I “Grief” and also includes the “inserted plot” of the fairytale about the demon and the man. One of the elements of folklorism in Bashmakov’s work is the author’s appeal to folklore genres: legends, fairytales, “tales,” the use of their plots and compositional construction, and the image of heroes in the context of the folk “balagur” tradition, so his works may be attributed to the “third culture.”


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For citation

Pozdeev V.A., Usatov K.A. Folklorism in Works of I.I. Bashmakov (Ivan Ivanenko): The Interpretation of Fairytale Plots. Traditional Culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 3. Pp. 73–83. In Russian