The Art of Bread Production in Sardinia: Cultural Aspects and Issues of Classification

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Key words
Sardinia, Mediterranean, bread, cooking technologies, species diversity
Armando Maxia
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: + 39 (334) 834-03-26
Parco Comunale “Pastissu”, 08031, Aritzo (Nuoro), Italia
Director and Researcher, Ethnographic Museum of Sardinian Mountain Culture
Date of publication

Based mainly on the author’s long-term field research, this article examines the littlestudied traditional practice of bread production in Sardinia in the context of modernity. The analysis of this, the oldest sector of local culture, is preceded by a history of the region and the nature of its settlement which influenced the multiplicity of various types of bread, both everyday and festive. The article explains the specifics of bread’s iconography and decoration, differences in recipes and technology of production, and its links to specific occasions, events, beliefs and rituals. In addition to ethnographic analysis, the study examines theoretical and methodological issues. The author considers problems with existing classification systems of Sardinian bread, discusses the unresolved issue of their taxonomy, and questions the general approach to systematization in anthropological research, and in particular, the transition from “monotheistic” classification to reticular, rhizomatic systematization.


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For citation

Maxia A. The Art of Bread Production in Sardinia: Cultural Aspects and Is‑ sues of Classification. Traditional culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 4. Pp. 169–179. In Russian.