Key words
mythological character, witch Veshchitsa, mythic narratives of Russian people at the Middle basin of Kama the river
About the Author
Сhernykh A.: e-mail: atschernych@yandex.ru
Tel.: +7 (3422) 212–70–19
13a, Lenina str., Perm’, 614090, Russian Federation
Full Professor (History), head of Ethnologic Studies sector, department of History, Archeology and
Ethnography, Perm’ Research Center, Uralic Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Rusinova I.: e-mail: irusinova@mail.ru
Tel.: +7 (3422) 239–67–95
15, Bukireva str., Perm’, 614090, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), associate professor, Perm’ State National Research University
Shkuratok Yu.: e-mail: shkuratok@mail.ru
Tel.: +7 (3422) 239–67–95
15, Bukireva str., Perm’, 614090, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), senior lecturer, Perm’ State National Research University

 The research is supported by the grants of the Russian State Fund for Humanities (RGNF) No. 14–34–01279 “The preservation and study of linguistic heritage in the multicultural region: the application of information technology” and No. 15–11–59002 “Symbolic function of objects of traditional culture of peoples of the Urals”.


 Article deals with mythological oral narratives collected during the last decade and older archive materials. Authors analyse the system of beliefs connected with a female witch, which was named locally as “veshchitsa”. There at the Middle Basin of Kama the river Veshchitsa was believed to be a female mythological character, that combined features of real persons and a maleficent demon. She resembles generalized characters of witches and sorceress, which were believed to cause various damage, but on the contrary, specific sphere of the Veshchitsa spoil and damage was limited to the reproductive health of humans and domestic animals. It was believed, that such a Veshchitsa caused an abortion to a pregnant woman or to a cow, replaced foetus with some everyday items, damaged masculine genitalia. Veshchitsa was able of werewolf skin-shift, usually turning into a mag-pie or female pig. Narratives contain motifs of different means to recognize such a witch and to protect oneself from her damage. Nomenclature of terms, applied to the Veshcitsa, is analyzed in the aspect of etymology. Territory of appearance of this character is determined for the Russians and it is limited to the Middle Basin of Kama the river. 


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