Traditions of Russian Folklore in P.A. Vyazemsky’s Poems “Another Troika” and “In Memory of the Painter Orlovsky”

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Key words
folklore, images, motifs, traditions, song
Seiran A. Dzhanumov
About the Author
E-mail:, Tel.: +7 (499) 181-68-59
4, 2nd Selskokhozyaistvennyi proyezd, Moscow, 129226, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Literature, Institute of Humanities, Moscow City University
Date of publication

The article considers the problem of the relationship between literature and folklore based on two poems by the 19th-century Russian poet and literary critic P.A. Vyazemsky (1792– 1878), “Another Troika” (1834) and “In Memory of the Painter Orlovsky” (between 1832 and 1837). The poems merge folk song imagery, traditional folk motifs and heartfelt lyricism. The author notes that Vyazemsky’s appeal to folklore is deeply organic and quite natural for him, inextricably linked with his understanding of the national character of literature, nature poetry, and originality. The author demonstrates that the connection of Vyazemsky’s poems with oral folk art manifests itself in an extensive and functionally diverse use of the poetics of folk songs, proverbs and sayings, as well as in references to mythological characters of Russian folklore. Using folk images and motifs, Vyazemsky downplays the depiction of local, national color (socalled “couleur locale”). The introduction of poetic formulas of Russian folklore is due to the poet’s ideological and artistic design and corresponds to the poem’s content and image structure. It is the organic, indissoluble and deep connection of Vyazemsky’s poetry with the Russian national element — literary and folk poetic traditions — that provides his works with enduring value and aesthetic significance.


Gillelson M.I. (1969) P.A. Vyazemskii: Zhizn’ i  tvorchestvo [P.A. Vyazemsky: Life and Work]. Leningrad: Nauka. In Russian.

Savushkina N.I. (1988) Russkaya poeziya nachala XX veka i  fol’klor [Russian Poetry of the Early 20th Century and Folklore]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo universiteta. In Russian.

Savushkina N.I. (1991) Postizhenie glubin fol’klorizma [Understanding the Depths of Folklorism]. In: Fol’klor v sovremennom mire. Aspekty i  puti issledovaniya [Folklore in the Modern World: Aspects and Ways of Research]. Moscow: Nauka. Pp. 93–103. In Russian.

For citation

Dzhanumov S.A. Traditions of Russian Folklore in P.A. Vyazemsky’s Poems “Another Troika” and “In Memory of the Painter Orlovsky.” Traditional Culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 3. Pp. 56–65. In Russian