E-mail: tk_altai@mail.ru
Tel.: +7 (385) 238-84-33
55, Molodezhnaya str., Barnaul, 656031, Russian Federation
Full Professor (History), professor, head of Homeland History department; head of the Center for
Oral History and Ethnography, Altay State Pedagogical University
The author analyzes traditions and innovations of dwelling conditions and their development among the Russian population in the context of the historical events during the period from the 1860s up to the 1960s. Old-timers’ village of the 19th Century changed during great migrations of rural population in the period of Stolypin’s reform and further on after the Revolution during the period of formation of state and collective farms up to the start of mass building in the 1960s. It is suggested to distinguish between three periods of development of dwelling environment of the the Russian population along with the course of historical events during the lapse of hundred years. For each period the author has compared building materials, construction technologies and typology of peasant’s dwelling under influence of the complex of conditions: ethno-demographic development, intercultural communication, natural-geographic resources, state politics, turning points of history. Peasant’s notions about “healthy dwelling”, “log house material” and strategies of “settling down” in concrete historical situations get analyzed. State politics in the sphere of house building and relations between the state and peasants are characterized. Dwelling development is viewed as a constituent of adaptation of Russian peasants to changing social-economical and political conditions during cardinal reorganizations and transformations of the Russian village in the 20th Century, including repressions, dispossession of prosperous farmers and deportations, the war and liquidation of minor villages. Flexibility and creativity of traditional culture ensured adaptation practices used by Russian peasants, that found their manifestation in wide spread of archaic ways of house constructions, such as earth, sod, brush, wood-framed and pise-walled during the periods of deterioration of position of agrarians.
Shvetsov S.P., Yukhnev P.M. (comp.) (1899) Materialy po issledovaniyu mest vodvoreniya pereselentsev v Altayskom okruge [Materials for Studies of the Places of Settelemnt of Migrants in the Altay Circuit]: In 2 vol. Vol. 2. Issue I: Naselenie. Zhilishche [Population. Dwelling]. Barnaul. In Russian.
Shcheglova T.K. (2011) Russkie, ukraintsy, nemtsy, kazakhi stepnogo zapada Altayskogo kraya: formirovanie pereselencheskoy istoriko-etnograficheskoy oblasti i sel’skogo kul’turnogo landshafta (materialy k Istoriko-etnograficheskomu atlasu Altayskogo kraya) [Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Kazakhs of the Steppe West of the Altay Territory: Formation of Immigrant Historical-Ethnographical Area and of the Rural Culture Landscape (Materials for Historical-Ethnographical Atlas of the Altay Territory)]. Etnografiya Altaya i sopredel’nykh territoriy [Ethnography of Altay and Adjoining Territories]. Proceedings of the 8th International Scholarly Conference. Ed. by Shcheglova T.K. Barnaul. Issue 8. Pp. 72–83. In Russian.
Shcheglova T.K. (2014) Zhilishche raskulachennykh i deportirovannykh v usloviyakh prinuditel’nykh pereseleniy 1920–1940-kh godov: material, tekhnologii i tipy po ustnym istoricheskim istochnikam [Dwelling of the Dispossessed as “Kulaks” and Deported in Conditions of Compulsory Migration in the 1920s — 1940s: Material, Technology and Types according to Oral Historical Sources]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Znat’, chtoby ne zabyt’: totalitarnaya vlast’ i narod v 20-kh — nachale 50-kh godov XX veka» (30–31 maya 2014 goda) [Proceedings of the Scholarly-Practice Conference “To Know not to Forget: Totalitarian Authority and People in the 1920s — early 1950s”, held on the 30th–31st of May 2014]. Ust’-Kamenogorsk. Pp. 554–571. In Russian.
Vaganov N.A. (1885) Khozyaystvenno-statisticheskoe opisanie krest’yanskikh volostey Altayskogo okruga: V 4 ch. [Economic-statistical Description of Peasant Rural Districts of the Altay Territory: In 4 vol. St. Petersburg. T. 1. Barnaul’skiy okrug [Vol. 1. Barnaul Circuit]; T. 2. Kuznetskiy okrug; Tomskiy okrug [Vol. 2. Kuznetsk Circuit; Tomsk Circuit]; Т. 3. Tomskiy okrug [Vol. 3. Tomsk Circuit]; T. 4. Biyskiy okrug [Vol. 4. Biysk Circuit]. In Russian.