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Key words
oral tradition, literature, satire, topoi
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (495) 939-25-64
1, Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), associate professor, folklore department, faculty of philology, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

 this research is supported by Russian Fund for Humanities project  No. 14–04–00128.


The subject of special consideration in this article is the question of the insufficiently studied mechanisms of influence of literary samples on oral novelistic folk-tales and anecdotes. Narrative genres of folklore and literature interact on the level of motifs and characters, whereas non-narrative forms interact by means of topoi, i. e. units that are figurative, thematic and formulaic at the same time. Thorough observations demonstrate that the folk tales and anecdotes arisen under the influence of literature and hand-written tradition of Modern times have typical structural features and recognizable marks of their literary genesis, which, however, should be interpreted not only as quotes, but as topoi common both for literature and oral tradition.

Transformations of “Dela nyneschnego veka” the hand-written satire in the course of its reception by the folk tradition of the 19th century demonstrate the role of common oral and literary topoi in the process of the text readjustment and adaptation. Fragments of the hand-written satire incorporated into the frame of folk anecdote “Soldier’s Pater Noster” combine the poetical genre of equivoque, that is exotic for Russian culture, with topoi of the last times and the world upside down, as well as the archetypical form of “poetic catalogue” and well-known proverbs about the “fiery truth”, “truth going up to the sky”, “falsehood extending outwards on the ground”.

The success and popularity of the new formal shell for the archetypal content promote the transition of the unique formulae of book origin to the category of everyday sayings. Moreover, capacious topoi of the last times and the world upside down as well as impressing rhetorical construction of equivoque become a structural core of the 20th century satires and political jokes.


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