Key words
myth, epic, charm, spiritual poetry, apocrypha
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (812) 328-19-01
4, emb. Makarova, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
Senior researcher, department of Russian Folklore, Institute of Institute of Russian Literature
(Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences

The article deals with the problem of the origin of basic mythological persons of the plot “Tury” in their relationship with the “bylina’s” figure of Vasilij Jgnat’evich-Drunkard on example of White Sea Coasts epic tradition. The origin of the image of aurochs is traced. Its existence in mythological space of Russian epic is studied in its connection with the concepts of sea/ocean and the primordial earth —  mythical “Buyan” the Island, where progenitors of all animals reside and the World Tree = Levanidov the Cross = Sacred Mountain stand. There is placed the “all the stones farther” —  mythical Latyr’-Stone also, where the main events of the World take place, where 100 God’s Holy Altars stand. Just there the divine Aurochs with gold horns lives. The article considers also the fragment with the Maiden in the Wall (inside the Mountain) = Mother-Town Wall =Virgin. The image of the Girl-Virgin, descending downside the wall (the mountain) to the river or the sea is rooted in the person of charms —  the maiden, sitting on a sacred island or on an Altar-Stone in the center of a river or the ocean. Analysis of Vasiliy Jgnat’evich the Drunkard’s image in its correlation with persons of the “Tury” fragment makes it possible to suggest, that we can find its sources not from historical reality, but from the space of ancient archetypes. All in all, the image and semantic structure of this plot is formed by Old Slavic (pagan) and Old Russian ancient religious attitude, which partly are remained in myths, charms, spirit poetry, apocrypha.


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