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Key words
Ryabinovo denomination, the Old-Believers, the Old-Believers denominations, the Old-Believer’s rites, the Orthodoxy rites
About the Author
E-mail: artkres@mail.ru Tel. +7 (843) 231-92-90 PhD (History), senior lecturer, the Department of Philosophy and Social-Political Disciplines of the Law faculty of the Kazan’ Innovative University; 42, Moskovskaya str., Kazan’ , 420111, Russian Federation

The article presents previously unpublished letters which belonged to a little-known denomination of Old-Believers: “Ryabinovo”, which were called “Schismatic acts” by the dominant Orthodox priesthood. A value of the letters is in the absence of any published polemical documents about this schism. Consequently, studies on it are based on indirect historical sources. The first mention of Ryabinovo schism’s letters refers to 1843. The authors of letters and the signers on one of them weare blamed in apostasy in the schism and thus were under inquisition in the Kazan’ Ecclesiastical Consistory. Ryabinovo sectarians had written these letters to the Consistory’s delegate Khvatov in response to admonition. In these letters sectarians themselves described Christian rites: baptism, eucharist, confession, wedding, that were most important for their religious life. In addition, in the article contents of the letters are compared with investigative indications of Ryabinovo sectarians in the Kazan’ Ecclesiastical Consistory. Published letters present an important source, on the one hand, for an analysis of forms communications the Old-Believers with official authorities, on other hand, and popular rites, that were characteristic of the small Old-Believers denominations.


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