RUSSIAN ESCHATOLOGY FROM MEDIEVAL LITERATURE TO FOLKLORE. The review on: Bessonov I. А. Russian folk eschatology: the History and the Present. — Moscow, 2014. — 336 p.

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About the Author
Antonov D.: e-mail:

Tel: +7 (499) 956 96 47;

82 Vernadskogo Prospect, 119571, Moscow, Russian Federation;

PhD (History), Senior researcher, School of advanced studies for the humanities, The

Russian Presidential academy of national economy and public administration;

Akhmetova M.: e-mail:

Tel: +7 8 (499) 956 96 47;

82 Vernadskogo Prospect, 119571, Moscow, Russian Federation;

PhD (Philology), Senior researcher, School of advanced studies for the humanities,

The Russian Presidential academy of national economy and public administration.

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