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Key words
spiritual verse, Christian book culture
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (952) 909- 83-69
28, Viluiskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630126, Russian Federation
PhD (Arts), head of department of Social-Cultural and Library Activity, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

This research is supported by Russian Fund for Humanities project   No. 15-04-00113-а.


Christian book literature played a leading role in spiritual verse formation. The plots, adopted from the book tradition, externalized in conventional folkloric musical and poetic form. Text rhythmization, cliche d intonation and poetic expressions promoted a faster assimi-
lation and distribution of information adopted from different culture. Scriptures are considered to be plots’ primary source, which has submitted character sets and related narrative motives and situations. Scriptures acted as a text protoform, which served as a ground for texts of other Christian genres: canonical and apocryphal, verbal and graphical, which correlate with each other and exist in the consistent semantic space with the Christian culture as a core. Furthermore, such “recipient” texts accomplished an exegetical function of the Holy Scriptures interpretation. Composers and performers of folk spiritual verses used them as an information source. A permanent role of Christian booklore as a fundamental principle was conductive to self-preservation of the spiritual verse as a genre system. Adoptions from the Christian booklore were not only formal, but also sense bearing. The characters and related plot situations were projected into context, that was different from the original. Hence, the distribution of Christian ideas and the explanation of the main points were realized by using the spiritual verse as “interpreter” text.

The analysis of such plot sources as Bible books, liturgical texts, patristic and hagiographical literature, and apocrypha proves the leading role of the Christian book culture in the spiritual verse formation and its maintenance as a genre system.


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