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Key words
system of genres, ritual folklore, the Ukrainian-Moldavian borderland
About the Author
E-mail: npastukh@gmail.com
Tel.: (00380322) 72-70-12
15, Svobody av., L’viv, 79000, Ukraine
PhD (Philology), senior researcher, Folkloristics Department, The Ethnology Institute, National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Uniqueness of genre morphology of Ukrainian folklore at Ukrainian-Moldavian borderland is revealed on the basis of the material of field folklore research, taking into account a broader comparative analysis. Review of specific examples of ethnic originality and their comparison to similar phenomena elsewhere in borderland territories let us suggest about the typology of genre borderlands model in general. Several peculiarities characterize this model. There in the zones of interethnic contacts (usually at the periphery of main ethnic massif) rare archaic folklorie genres, as a rule, continue to exist (on the Ukrainian-Moldavian borderland these are harvest “kolyadka”-carols, funeral laments, “parowanky” — youngsters’ erotic ludic songs). Also, in the condition of neighboring of two or more ethnic groups, the genre system is often enriched by genres or genre types that are not typical for folklore tradition in general (for example, close contact between Ukrainians and Moldavians become evident because of the existence of a genre like “heikannya”, pluvial laments in Ukrainian repertoire). Tradition on spring-summer calendar song genres and wedding song lyrics is significantly weak on the Ukrainian-Moldavian borderland, which is partly determined by their low appearance in the repertoire of neighboring Moldavians. In general, there on borderland territories multiethnic folklore traditions, as well as ethnographic context that they exist in, approach each other more closely. More intense interrelations may weaken meaning of given genres that are present in one tradition. Sporadic borrowing of certain genres by another tradition may happen despite they were previously not present there.


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