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Key words
Russian wedding, wedding speeches, “speeches on a ball”, Vologda province, poetics, publication of texts
About the Author
E-mail: krasheninnikova@rambler.ru
Tel.: +7 (8212) 20-17-02
26, Kommunisticheskaja str., Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, 167982, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), the head of the Folklore Department, Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Вranch, Russian Academy of Sciences

The many kinds of wedding speeches among which speeches of girls, guests, view- ers of a ceremony, inhabitants and other persons, are spread on certain territories. The paper concerns with quite a rare kind of wedding speeches recorded in several parts of Vologda province and is called a “request on a ball”. Speeches “on a ball” are of interest due to descriptions of par- ticipants and viewers of a wedding which create a collective image of “the peasant world”. Female images with erotic contents created by means of obscene words, expressions with ambiguous in- terpretation having a figurative sense addressing to the sphere of sexual semantics are a peculiar feature of speeches “on a ball”. The textual analysis allows thinking that by means of these texts the part of the bride declared implicitly about her preparedness for marriage because the themes of female physical beauty, health, portliness, youth, fertility, complaisance, etc. are emphasized in these texts. In other words, the physical and emotional readiness of the bride for a marriage is de- clared in these texts. The purpose of this work is to publish a few texts, which had been recorded in the end 19th — early 20th century and were kept in Russian archives as well as comments on them. 


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