Key words
Gipsy “Romani” folk songs, Kalderash Romany, “Russka Roma”, military and recruiting songs, prisoner song, intergroup contacts
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (495) 434-94-01, +7 (495) 663-60-84
82–1, Vernadskogo av., Moscow, 119571, Russian Federation
PhD (Philosophy), Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

 Two Gipsy songs from the ethnographer V. I. Sanarov collection, published in 1967 in the French article “The Roma Bedoni of Tyumen’” (magazine Etudes Tsiganes, Paris) are studied. One is Kalderash Romany song “Žaba, dade!” (“Daddy, come on”), and the other is “Russka Romany” song of the literature origin “Šilalybalval” (“Cold Wind”). The author has corrected songs’ decrypt and translation inaccuracies. Origin, content and singing peculiarities of different variants of both songs are studied. The genesis of the song “Žaba, dade!”, that is unknown to otherKalderash Romany folklore publications, is analysed, in comparison with folklore forms of the Romanian Gipsy, as well as Eastern European and Russian Romany (Gipsy) folk motifs in the context of defining the songs’ genre Gipsy attitude to military service in Russian Empire and USSR is considered. The special attention is paid to the analysis of textual data indicating the intergroup contact of the Gipsy folklore carriers in Russia.


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