Key words
gingerbread tradition, printed gingerbread, calendar and family rituals
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (968) 46–18–86
6, Khibinskiy pass., Moscow, 125373, Russian Federation
Post-graduate student, State Academy of Slavic Culture

 The article deals with the issues of existence of the Tver’ gingerbread tradition and is based on the information concerning history, folklore and ethnography. The first mention about the Tver’ gingerbread dates back to the 1620s. Active growth of gingerbread production was noted during following centuries. By the end of the 19th century’ the Tver’ gingerbreads became well-known in Russia and abroad. The Tver’ printed gingerbreads were awarded with prizes at international trade fairs, moreover, merchants from Tver’ kept shops selling printed gingerbreads in London and Paris. Change of the political system in the country at the beginning of the 20th century led to decline of the Tver’ gingerbread tradition. Nowadays splendor of the Tver’ printed gingerbread has gone. However, at our disposal we have some evidence of wide use of printed gingerbread in calendar and family and household rituals as well as in secular life. Gingerbread has entered a wide range of events of human life cycle and has become a symbolic substitute for old ceremonial baked attributes: to bread, pancakes, pies and loaves as well. Along with archaic ceremonial pastries it marks almost all sacral actions in human life and accompanies a person at all stages of the course of life. According to Tver’ folklore and ethnographic materials the role of the printed gingerbread is most evident in wedding rituals. Studying of printed gingerbread from different cultural perspectives seems to allow us to restore another lost page of our traditional cultural history.


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