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Key words
fairytale, pigskin cover, contamination of plot types, the Russian fairytale tradition, plot
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: + 7 (495) 624-25-53 8–3,
Sverchkov side-str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Head of the Sector of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Polenov State Russian House of Folk Arts
Date of publication

The article deals with Russian fairytales of the plot type 510B. Among the twenty texts noted in the SUS index, only five texts really belong to this type. Analysis reveals four new texts to be of the plot type 510В and brings to light another group of texts belonging to the group –510В*. The article shows that in the Russian fairytale tradition, fairytales of the plot type 510B are rarely discussed as an independent plot type. Much more often they are seen as a contamination of 510B with other types, for example 313Е*, 510А, –510В*, 403, and 480. There are several reasons for this. The plot type 510B does not belong to the core of the fairytale tradition; it is not among the most popular and therefore its canonical structure is unstable. In addition, its plot is close to other tales in which a father or brother wants to marry a daughter or sister; this allows storytellers to use motifs from analogous plot types (313Е*, –510В*). In addition, tales of type 510B belong to the group of texts about persecuted innocents, which allows storytellers to use motifs from plot types associated with an unjustly persecuted girl or woman (403) and from those where the victim is the stepdaughter (480 and 510A).


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For citation

Dobrovolskaya V. E. The plot type ATU 510B “Peau d’Asne” (SUS 510B “Pigskin Cover”) in the Russian fairytale tradition. Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 1.   Pp. 20–30. In Russian