E-mail: maxiaarmando@tiscali.it Tel.: +39 (334) 834-03-26
Parco Comunale “Pastissu”, Aritzo (Nuoro), 08031, Italia
Director and Researcher, Ethnographic Museum of Sardinian Mountain Culture
In this article, the author outlines the current state of beliefs and magical practices associated with the evil eye. His study is based on surveys conducted in 2022—2024 in various regions of Sardinia, a conservative rural region in Italy which has preserved traditional folk culture to a high degree. The author was drawn to this topic both due to the high index of belief in the evil eye in this region as well as our poor understanding of this phenomenon. In the course of the research, he notes: the distinctive features of the local vision of those from whom the evil eye emanates as a type of aggression; the catalysts and triggers of the evil eye (in particular, envy); “channels” of its implementation (through blasphemy and through praise); the objects of this influence; the measures of protection against the evil eye (verbal and non-verbal ways to protect against “aggression”, such as amulets, etc.); methods of getting rid of the effects of the evil eye. Also examined are the traditional figures of folk healers who operate with ancient magical techniques and who continue to enjoy wide popularity. The “living material” captured in surveys allows the author not only to deduce a high degree of faith in the evil eye, but also to trace the level of cultural continuity in Sardinia, as well as to shed light on many aspects of island culture.
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