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Key words
Nart epic, Karachays, Balkars, cyclus of songs and tales, marvelous birth, "emegen"- giants
About the Author

Tel: +7 (495) 697 13 89;

Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russian Federation;

PhD (Philology), the leading researcher of the Folklore Department, The World Literature

Institute named after A. M. Gor'kiy of t h e Russian Academy of Sciences.


This paper considers the Nart epic of the Karachays and Balkars, that presents one of the basic national versions of the Caucasian-wide entire Nartiade. Karachay and Balkar Nart Songs, as well as traditions appearing among other carriers of the Nart epic, form a range of large and small cycluses. Each cyclus comprises a group of small tales and songs about the origin of the Nart tribe there on the Earth, about different stages and events of the epic destinies of the heroes, namely birth, heroic childhood, the first heroic feat, wedding, struggle against mythical monsters and with sworn enemies. The specificity of the featuring of the Nart characters is determined by the heroic aesthetics of the ancient epic. The idealization of the majority of them starts with their birth and childhood. The motif of the Divine and miraculous birth regards the characters of all the main Nart heroes. The principal epic theme of the Karachay and Balkar songs and tales consists in the struggle between Narts and mythic Emegen-monsters. Emegens are the source of the evil and the chaos on Earth and the God has created Nart heroes, whose goal is to conduct unceasing struggle against them until their final extirpation in order to exorcise the world from them. Voluminous matter demonstrates, that the Karachay and Balkar version of the Nartiade presents a structurally elaborated and complete epic, that doesn't only recreate the destinies of the heroes, linked with the archaic layer, such as Debet, Satanaj, Yoryuzmek, Sosuruk, Karashauaj, but of the entire Nart tribe beginning with its origin up to perdition or removal to the Heaven or to the subterranean world. The reason for the heroes' removal is not only determined strictly, but also connected with the entire plot and theme network of the epic. They abandon the Earth after the coronation of their mission: Debet and Satanaj, who are related with the primeval objects and acts, have committed their civilizing mission, Yoryuzmek after extirpation of the Evil.


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