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Key words
naive philosophy, dialect picture of the world, figurative representation of existence, time and space
About the Author
E-mail: Tel. +7 904 845-13-49
Head teacher of the Department of General Linguistics Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University
24, Sibirskaya street, Perm, 614045, Russian Federation

The study is prepared according to Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. №18-412-590002 р_а “Funeral and memorial rites in the Russian tradition of the Northern and Southern Prikamye”.


Naive views of traditional culture bearer concerning fortune, life, death and time are revealed in the article on the material of elderly country people letters. According to linguistic data, general patterns of naive-philosophical reflection are revealed, more often connected with such semantic blocks as fixation of everyday experience (economical activity and everyday life, life events), comprehension of God, sin and righteousness, description of one’s physical and mental state. Direction of the authors’ emotional sufferings and their symbolism expression are described, symbolism and different authors individual peculiarities are observed. Figurativesymbolic representation of key life-purpose concepts (destiny, humility in acceptance of life beyond control; home, homeland) is revealed in the analysis of linguistic forms of existential meanings and naive philosophical judgments transmission. Supposition, concerning the fact that personal letters of folk tradition bearers contain valuable linguistic material for clarifying peculiarities of dialectal picture of the world and peculiarities of traditional culture bearer worldview for understanding deep folk existential experience, is made. Bearers tradition appeal to writing, written speech helps the authors to a large extent to connect with each other diverse life material and individual emotional experience, giving them common order and meaning.


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