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Key words
mythological text, genre, type of speech
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (473) 55-14-78
86, Lenin str., Voronezh, 394043, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), associate professor, department of Theory, History and Methodology of Teaching
Russian Language and Literature, Voronezh State Pedagogical University

In my paper I will describe compositional organization of oral mythological texts of different genres — mythological stories and beliefs. I will analyze narrative and description (functional-semantic types of speech that organize these genres) as mechanisms of transmission of mythological information. I propose a hypothesis of primacy of coding mythological information in a narrative form: a narrative is a basic form of presentation of mythological text that best matches the traditional conditions of transmission of folk knowledge. In this article I review the possible preconditions of this phenomenon in three different aspects. First, I examine the mechanism of representation of mythological information in the oral tradition in connection with the features of the colloquial speech organization in the framework of everyday communication. Secondly, the study of the problem of speech ontogeny and phylogeny, as well as the results of generalization of pedagogical experience in the development of children’s speech indicate that the narrative is a verbal form corresponding to the initial stage of formation of coherent speech, and is the simplest form of speech for perception. Third, the primacy of plot texts transmitting the dynamics of the event in relation to the descriptive texts indirectly is supported by studies of historical poetics of folklore. In addition, I consider the practical importance of the hypothesis of the primacy of coding mythological information in the narrative form for collection and analysis of folklore material.


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