Key words
mode, modality, intonation, spectrogram, timbre
About the Author
E-mail: a.okhlobystina@yandex.ru Tel.: + 7 (495) 691-05-54 11,
Merzlyakovskiy side-str., Moscow, 121069, Russian Federation
Head of on-the-job training, teacher of music and theory at the Academic Music School at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory

E-mail: i.starostin@gmail.com Tel.: + 7 (495) 629-67-11 13–6,
Bolshaya Nikitskaya str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
PhD in Arts, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Russian Music, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
Date of publication

The article is devoted to musical and theoretical aspects of Russian folk songs. The authors trace the history of theoretical views on the modal structure of folk songs and applies modern methods of analysis. The article considers two aspects of the pitch organization of the Russian folk song, modal and intonational. Computer analysis of audio recordings is used to study intonation; modal analysis is based on the work of Yu. N. Kholopov. The technique of computer analysis developed by the two authors takes recent Russian research into account, including work in the field of non-European traditional culture. The material under analysis is lyrical “drawn-out” (protiazknye) songs recorded at different times in the district of the former guard town of Usyord on the Voronezh-Belgorod frontier. The authors use computer analysis to solve several problems. The first amounts to defining the type of intonation that folk performers of different generations use; the second is to differentiate types of intonation in male and female singing traditions; the third is to determine the intonational patterns of individual folk singers using diatonic modes. The authors consider the problem of intonation in connection with the specifics of timbre and the dynamics of sound. The article features illustrations that combine fragments of musical notation, graphs of pitch, and spectrograms.


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For citation

Okhlobystina A. B., Starostina T. A. On the methodology of pitch analysis of South Russian “drawn-out” folk songs. Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 1. Pp. 103–126. In Russian.