The Image of Tist Ivan in V.A. Savin’s Story “Lucha” and the Vishera Folklore Tradition of the Komi

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Key words
Komi folklore, local folklore tradition, oral story, literary story
Alexey N. Rassykhaev
About the Author
E-mail:, Tel.: +7 (8212) 20-17-02
26, Kommunisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar, 426004, Russian Federation;
PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, Folklore Department, Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Scientific Center, Uralic Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

The article analyzes the image of Tist Ivan in oral stories recorded at the beginning of the twenty-first century among the Visher Komi, and in the story by the Komi writer V.A. Savin, “Lucha” (“Beam”) of 1926. The author’s story was based on rumors and reports about the extraordinary act of Tist Ivan (Ivan Feoktistovich), who for the first held an “Oktyabrina” in the village in place of a baptism. Narratives about it are circulated mainly in the folklore of Bolshelug Village (Kortkeros District, Komi Republic). In other places, stories about him tend to the demonic, in which the hero, in the form of a heretic, engages in the ritual of stealing cow’s milk on the eve of Great Thursday.

In literary and folkloric descriptions, the hero is equally active: he is constantly on the move, going from one place to another on a black horse. The central moment is the naming of the hero’s newborn son. If in V.A. Savin’s story Tist Ivan first gives his son a new name and then his wife baptizes him in church, in the oral tradition the wife first baptizes her son in church, where the priest names him Luka, and then Tist Ivan gives his son a new name associated with the Soviet state — “Novoluchinskiy” (New Beam). In contrast to the literary hero, the folkloric character steals bread from barns in a neighboring village with impunity, using a horse drunk with wine for this purpose. As the literary version has become increasingly well known, it has begun to have an impact on the folk tradition


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For citation

Rassykhaev A.N. The Image of Tist Ivan in V.A. Savin’s Story “Lucha” and the Vishera Folkloric Tradition of the Komi. Traditional Culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 3. Pp. 108–117. In Russian