From the History of Collecting and Publishing Kalmyk Expressions of Good Will (Yoryals)

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Key words
good wishes, Kalmyks, archive, manuscripts, records, magnetic tapes
Boskha Kh. Borlykova
About the Author
Босха Халгаевна Борлыкова
Доцент Калмыцкого государственного университета им. Б. Б. Городовикова:
Российская Федерация, Республика Калмыкия, 358000, г. Элиста, ул. Пушкина, д. 11;
тел.: +7 (905) 400-82-93; e-mail: borlboskha@mail.r
Date of publication

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as part of project No. 19–012–00640 (a). 


Based on published and archival materials, this article examines the history of collecting and publishing Kalmyk expressions of good will (yoryals), a folkloric poetic work that conveys good wishes to a person. Work of this type were collected both by domestic and foreign scholars, travelers, and missionaries. The first occasional samples of yoryals can be found in the published records of G. Balint (1871–1872), Nomto Ochirov (1909–1911), as well as in the collection “Halmg folklore” (Kalmyk Folklore), issued in 1941. The most important source for the study of Kalmyk good wishes (more than 150 items) is Fund No. 16 of the Scholarly Archive of the Kalmyk Scholarly Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where unique materials on Kalmyk folklore are stored. These include, first of all, audio recordings on magnetic tape made by employees of the Kalmyk Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (now the Kalmyk Scholarly Center) in the 1960–1980’s. The recordings of Gabor Balint, Nomto Ochirov, Tseren Ledzhinov, Gary Shalburov, Sanzhi Kalyaev, Ivan Matsakov, Leonid Sangaev, and Tseren-Dorzhi Nominkhanov, as well as of employees of the Kalmyk Research Institute of Language, Literature and History are valuable sources for the study of yoryals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


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For citation

 Borlykova B. Kh. From the History of Collecting and Publishing Kalmyk Expressions of Good Will (Yoryals). Traditional Culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 1. Pp. 158–166. In Russian.