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Key words
hidden places, children’s subculture, the culture of play, the secret world of childhood, techniques of visual anthropology
About the Author
Luisa I. Adamyan https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4085-1582
E-mail: bahia@inbox.ru
Tel.: +7 (495) 438-21-81
1, M. Pirogovskaya str., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Anthropology, Institute of Childhood, Moscow Pedagogical State University

Alexey S. Obukhov https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7215-3901
E-mail: ao@redu.ru
Tel.: +7 (495) 772-95-90
20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Leading Expert at the Research Center of Modern Childhood, Institute of Education, National Research University, Higher School of Economics
Date of publication

Growing up, children acquire great opportunities for the independent assimilation of new spaces and for learning about their environment and landscape. The development of children’s independence and freedom from direct adult supervision, on the one hand, enables children to visit various places beyond adult control, and on the other, creates restrictions and limitations imposed on locations that are considered dangerous. This situation leads to the occurrence in children’s subculture of the phenomenon of hidden places and secret children’s worlds that are separate from those of adults. The forbidden attracts both because it is prohibited and because it offers many opportunities for the development of children’s fantasy worlds, games and cognitive activity. This article presents data on this phenomenon based on the study of two Bashkir villages. Entry by adult researchers into the children’s secret world was made possible by means of a camera —mediator. Four types of space, depending on the degree of openness and adult control, were examined: open space under adult control; open space out of adult control (aka “secret spaces”); space hidden from the sight of adults; space forbidden for both adults and children. Revealed were patterns of children’s assimilation of such spaces in correlation with their maturation process and with restrictions on the part of adults, as well as with the norms of Bashkir culture.


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For citation

Adamyan L. I., Obukhov A. S. Hidden places in Bashkir children’s culture of play (Based on data gathered in theBurzyansk District, Republic of Bashkortostan). Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 2. Pp. 50–62. In Russian.