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Key words
oral rune-poems in the Kalevala meter, heroic mythical epics, ballade, plot, recurrence, formula, type scene, mother’s wisdom, prohibitions
About the Author
E-mail: elina.rahimowa@yandex.ru
Tel.: + 7 (495) 691-23-01
25a, Povarskaya str., Moscow, 121069, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), senior researcher, Folklore department, Institute of World Literature named after A. M. Gor’kiy, Russian Academy of Sciences

 Cтатья подготовлена по гранту РГНФ 14–04–00334 «Кроссжанровые взаимодействия в и зустных калевальских рунах (героико-мифологический эпос и заговоры)». 


 Mother’s prohibitions and advices get extremely important for heroic mythic and ballade rune-poems in the Kalevala meter. Genre-specific composition emphasizes dialogues and different models of recurrence of certain line sequences of texture. Due to it episodes of the characters’ interlocutions with their mothers which manifest type scenes and use formulae up to two lines long and get both constructed “per se” and incorporated into texture entities of given oral variants. Interlocutions between the hero and his mother manifest intertextual interactions between different plots, primarily heroic myths about Lemminkaenen’s journey to the Paevoelae Feast without an invitation, singing competition of two sages, that causes young hero’s shooting attempt against wise Vaenaemoeinen, that leads to creation of the world by a natatorial bird, as well as the ballade about the incest between the hero and his sister.


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Rakhimova E. (1997) Karelo-finskaya runa v tipologicheskom sopostavlenii s bylinami [Karelian-Finnish Rune-Poem in Typology Comparison with the Bylina-epics]. Filologicheskie nauki  [Philological Studies]. No. 4 (1997). Pp. 85–95.

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