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Key words
Djurdjevica (Djurdje’s wife), sun, raven, death, genre, family poem, lamentаtion, heroic poem
About the Author
E-mail: zojakaranovic@yahoo.com
Tel.: +3 (8121) 485-39-00
Faculty of Philosophy, University Novi Sad, 1, Zoran Djindjic, Novi Sad, 21000, Serbia
Full Professor, professor, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

 This paper studies the folk poem, entitled by Vuk Karadžić as “Nayvekha e zhalost, zabratom”, which he hinted by its content. The variant of this poem was published 1973, whereas the melody was recorded in the first half of the 20th century. This paper examines the ways and methods of its creation, having in mind the variants of this poem, the first — family lyrical poem, and the second, that corresponds with heroic background to the described event and which is composed according to the models of heroic epic, but also this variant of the poem can be connected with the lamenting tradition.


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