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Key words
populace writers, A. A. Orlov, F. S. Kuzmichev, parody, folklorism, “grass-root” reader
About the Author
Pozdeev V.: e-mail:
Tel.: +7 (8332) 64-65-71
36, Moskovskaya str., Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation
Full Professor (Philology), professor, Russian and Foreign Literature and Methods of Teaching
Department, Vyatka State University.
Zhang H.: e-mail:
Tel.: +7 (8332) 64-65-71
36, Moskovskaya str., Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), Assistant, Russian as a Foreign Language Department, Vyatka State University

 The article deals with influence of oral folklore on personal creativity by “populace writers” of the 1830s. “Populace writers” used themes and motifs of folklore in their prose often, because they sought to create products “close” to the populace, to grass-root readers. A novel “Chertovy nochi” [“Devil’s nights”] (1833), which is created by a fairly popular writer Alexander Anfimovich Orlov, doesn’t only include reminiscences from the writer O. Somov’s and others’ books, but there are used folklore motifs from Russian oral believe-legends, narratives and from Old-Russian literature. A. Orlov’s another work, “Don Quixote from Murom, or Honest Madcaps” (1833), which is presented as an “ethic and satire novel”, is a parody. Typically for “grass-root literature” on the contrast to “high” one, A. Orlov’s parody is plainspoken and open to readers. The writer uses folklore images from bylina epics (hero Ilya from Murom, robber Solovey-Razboynik) and from the source novel of Cervantes: Don-Quixote de la Mancha, Sancho Panza. In his ”comic” novel” Cunning match-maker or Reject to a good bridegroom” (1834) Fedot Kuzmichev combines motifs from N. V. Gogol’s famous “Marriage” and descriptions of wedding rituals. Authors use own knowledge, observations, as well as literature stereotypes of the late 18th — the 1st triens of the 19th century to reflect everyday life realia, rituals and beliefs, which results in peculiar transformation of ethnographic material. Relatively “folklore” texts by A. A. Orlov, F. S. Kuzmichev and others are marked with conventional imagined plots, although based on pseudo-oral case situations.


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