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Key words
cult stones, footprint stones, Old Russia, Old Russian Pilgrimage, dual faith, paganism, folk hagiography
About the Author

Tel.: +7 (495) 953-22-89
23B, Novokuznetskaya str., Moscow, 115184, Russian Federation
PhD (History), researcher, University named after Dmitry Pozharskiy, associate professor,
department of History, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities, history teacher,
“Intellectual” Boarding School (Moscow)

 The paper explores one of the categories of cult stones — footprint stones and the particularities of their worship in Old Russia. Author believes that their pre-Christian existence is not proved by the results of archeological excavations. Written sources show that footprints were Christian relics, worship of which was condemned by Orthodox Church due to obvious violation of Second Commandment. First information about footprint stones was received from Russian pilgrims who visited Constantinople and Jerusalem in the 12th and 13th centuries. First signs of their worship appeared since the middle 16th century. There in folk hagiography significant number of footprint stones is related with founders of monasteries in the Russian North. The paper provides classification of footprint stones. The first group consists of so-called “hagiographic” stones, which are linked to the miracles conducted by saints, the second one — “revelation” stones, linked to specific miracles, places or persons. Last group contains “apocryphal” stones, footprints, worship of which doesn’t get any reasonable explanation.


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