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Key words
орочоны, малые народы Китая, охота, традицOrochon, minorities in China, hunting ban, traditional culture, environmental protectionионная культура, природоохранная деятельность
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (495) 938-03-09
32a, Leninskiy av., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
PhD, Post-doc Fellow, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Most of the researchers nowadays recognize that the traditional values and the world- views of the indigenous peoples are intrinsically ecological and thus encourage those, who fear that the connection between man and nature can be lost in the near future, to look for inspiration in elab- orating on their beliefs and practices. However, they tend to downplay the fact that this supposedly ecological mindset has evolved through the very practical reasons of organizing their interaction with nature on a fair basis and that for indigenous people care is never equal to enclosing. On the contrary, most of the modern NGOs and national governments alike tend to guard people off their natural sur- roundings while trying to protect the fragility of the environment. Naturally, such policies bring only more alienation that eventually destroys ecologically compatible cultures of the indigenous people. This article explores the case of Oroqen (Orochon), a small ethnic group of hunters and gatherers living in the North-East of China, whose culture and traditional lifestyle found itself on the brink of extinction after the local government introduced hunting ban in the area they inhabit.


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