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Key words
mythological text, Perm region, person with supernatural abilities, dictionary, lexicon, definition model, model of interpretation
About the Author
E-mail: irusinova@mail.ru
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Perm State University
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia

Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект № 17-14-59009-ОГН «Фольклорная несказочная проза Северного Прикамья: универсальное, региональное, локальное (на материале записей второй половины XX — начала XXI вв.)».


 The article discusses the methods of lexicographic representation of people with supernatural abilities in the dictionary of myths of Perm region basing on the mythological texts of Perm region. The relevance of the work consists in the following: firstly, to date, when a great amount of mythological material has been gathered, it becomes necessary not only to describe the characters and their structure in different traditions but also to investigate the language that expresses mythological beliefs. Secondly, the investigated lexicon depicted in certain modern dictionaries hasn’t obtained sufficient linguistic or semantic characteristics. The existing dictionaries of mythological lexicon are mostly encyclopedic and do not suppose the philological interpretation. Dictionaries of dialects describe nominative units and do it quite superficially using the synonyms of the literary language and a small amount of contexts.

The proposed entries include not only the names of the characters but also their attributes. The definitions are made according to the models of interpretation of the lexical meaning elaborated by the author of the article that include the description of both generic attributes of a character – a person with demonic traits – and peculiar features that make him different from other characters. The study is a part of a lexicographic work devoted to the description of Russian demonic lexicon of Perm region.


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