Cosmic Deer as an Archaic Symbol in the Narratives and Rituals of the Tungus-Manchus

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Key words
cosmic deer, narrative, ritual, symbol of culture, Tungus-Manchus
Tatyana Yu. Sem
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (812) 570-57-68
4/1, Inzhenernaya str., Saint-Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation.
PhD in History, Leading Researcher, Russian Ethnographic Museum
Date of publication

This article is devoted to the mythological image of cosmic deer in traditional Tungus-Manchu culture. It examines materials of folklore, shamanism, trade and calendar rituals as well as art and for the first time systematizes materials from all of the Tungus-Manchu peoples. The image of cosmic deer in the folklore of the Evens has its closest analogy in that of the Amur peoples, reflected in the image of a deer with horns reaching up to the sky. This image is preserved in fairytales with mythological and epic elements. In the Even myth, the image of a deer is on a cosmic scale, as the cosmos issues from its body. Among the Amur peoples, the image of a deer is also related to cosmogenesis, to the separation of the earth from the sky. The plot of a cosmic hunt is reflected in pan-Siberian mythology, dating back to the Bronze Age. It clearly illustrates the motif of the change of the old and new sun, the passage of time, the change of seasons, the Tungus-Manchu calendar. The author comes to the conclusion that deer in the Tungus-Manchu tradition, in depicting the image of the sun and the passage of time, model the space and time of the Universe. The cosmic deer is an archetypal symbol of Tungus-Manchu culture, which has retained its significance in artistic culture to the present day.


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For citation

Sem T. Yu. Cosmic Deer as an Archaic Symbol in the Narratives and Rituals of the Tungus-Manchus. Traditional culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 4. Pp. 112–121. In Russian.