Bashkir Hospitality and Its Reflection in Folk Paremias

Key words
traditional culture, hospitality, spiritual meanings, guest, host, paremias, Bashkirs
Zugura Ya. Rakhmatullina, Gulnur R. Khusainova
About the Author
Zugura Ya. Rakhmatullina
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (347) 272-85-22
DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Director of the Institute of History, Language and Literature,
Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Gulnur R. Khusainova
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (347) 272-85-22
DSc in Philology, Chair of the Folklore Department, Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

The research was supported by a grant of the Russian Science Foundation,
No. 22–28–00940 (URL:–28–00940/).


The article examines hospitality and its reflection in Bashkir folk paremias. The spiritual meanings and values of hospitality are an integral part of the traditional culture of many peoples in all historical periods and remain relevant in modern society. They express the requirements established in popular consciousness for the relationship and behavior for both those who for various reasons find themselves in someone else’s house, and for the host who shelters the guest. Hospitality received its early cultural formalization primarily in the form of the concise and vivid metaphors of folk sayings and proverbs, and preserves its imperatives by transmitting the spiritual and ethical values of past generations to modern ones. Among the proverbs of one people there are often many that are equivalent or semantically close to the sayings of other peoples but which at the same time retain national specificity. The most diverse peoples of the world share common concepts and ideas whose similarity is determined by the conditions of human life. Economic, cultural and linguistic communication among peoples creates conditions for the interpenetration of folkloric material, including paremias. Borrowings are generated according to the norms and rules of the language of the people who “borrow” and according to the laws and poetics of the genre.


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For citation

Rakhmatullina Z. Ya., Khusainova G. R. Bashkir Hospitality and Its Reflection in a Folk Paremias. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 3. Pp. 110–117. In Russian.