E-mail: zhongguo56@mail.ru
Tel.: + 7 (495) 938-17-47
32a, Leninskiy av., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
PhD (History), researcher, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences
This paper is financially supported by the grant of the Russian Fund for Humanities No. 15-01-00450.
This article is devoted to the culture of social behavior and person in China. Basing on the analysis of lexical-hieroglyphic material the author explains own opinion on Chinese perception of behavior as a form of national identity’s manifestation. Taking into account value of conceptuality in history of development of those or other phenomena of Chinese’ socio-cultural life, the researcher characterizes social behavior as a normative activity, which is indicated with the following fundamental characteristics: dialecticism, linear-ascending direction, etiquetteness, edifying, anthropocentricity, purposefulness. These signs were identified in the analysis of the structural units that constitute words with the meaning of behavior. The author has identified these signs as historically and, as a consequence, deeply rooted in the minds of the Chinese. Valuable meaning in the content of the considered lexical units together formed the basic requirement of national and cultural identity, corresponding to the spirit of Chinese civilization. Besides, the study of normative social behavior gives an opportunity to see the personality of the Chinese individual, realizing himself as a social unit in the system of linearly-ascending relationships. The dialectical nature underlying this system identifies two main categories of functioning of the Chinese: superior position and subordinate position. In each of them Chinese is positioned as a person, because this and that of him is part of the whole and incorporated into the pyramidal organization of society. Such a social model though makes its holder rather reserved, however, its social significance, to a large extent influences the formation of his national identity.
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