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Key words
shamanism, musical ethnography, sound instruments
About the Author
E-mail: sytchenko@mail.ru
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, independent researcher
Date of publication

This article is devoted to the morphology and functions of shamanic phono-instruments and the adaptation of shamanic traditions to the adverse circumstances that existed for several decades of the twentieth century, during the period of militant atheism. The author considers these issues concerning the Turkic cultures of Southern Siberia. She briefly analyzes the morphology and functions of the shaman tambourine and describes other phono-instruments that existed in parallel with it. On the basis of published scholarly literature, archival and field sources, she demonstrates numerous morphological, symbolic, functional and performative interrelations of phono-instruments and concludes that ritual shamanic practice always allowed numerous variants of instrumental expression, including those without use of a tambourine. The author comes to the conclusion that the diversity and even redundancy of shamanic instrumental practices is apparently a mechanism for adaptation and survival. Under adverse conditions for “great” shamanism (that is, using a tambourine), the less noticeable “small” shamanism comes to the fore. The article thus confirms Dyrenkova’s hypothesis about the primacy of such practicse and about the later appearance of shamanism with tambourines. The possible correlation between shamanism with tambourine and the cult of gods of the celestial sphere is also noted. Key words: shamanism, musical ethnography, sound instruments. 


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For citation

Sychenko G. B. “You can only reach Tyazhin with a drum…”: Phono-instruments in shamanic traditions of Southern Siberia. Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 4. Pp. 57–69. In Russian.