E-mail: starkov.valerij@gmail.com
Tel.: +380 (44) 279-08-63
4, Tryokhsvyatitelskaya str., Kiev, 01001, Ukraine
PhD in History, Head of the Department, M. S. Grushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies, Ukraine National Academy of Sciences
This article continues the author’s series of publications on the development of a database of sources on the study of the traditional Ukrainian culture of play. If the first article concerned the origins and formation of the source base (1800–1861), in this work we move into the most fruitful period in the development of Ukrainian ethnography, during which the number of publications about folk games and entertainment increased significantly. This increase helped raise the level of scientific knowledge and led to the emergence of scholarly societies, the development of the first ethnographic programs, and the emergence of a network of periodicals. Among the latter one may single out the unofficial part of the already existing serial newspapers, the provincial gazettes, in which relevant materials were regularly published. The years under consideration (1861–1890) may be divided into several time periods. We define these by the appearance of significant ethnographic works, which, on the one hand, characterize the ethnographic knowledge of the previous segment, and on the other, determine the direction of future research on play culture. Among the achievements of the source database we consider descriptions of play phenomena and of the leisure activities of various groups, categorized by age and gender, as well as of the elements of play in social and family rituals.
Starkov V. A. (2013) Traditsionnaya igrovaya kul’tura naseleniya Ukrainy: zarozhdeniye i stanovleniye istochnikovedcheskoy bazy (1800–1861 gg.) [The traditional culture of play of the Ukrainian population. The origins and development of a database of sources (1800–1861)]. Traditsionnaya kul’tura [Traditional culture]. 2013. No. 4. Pp. 167–174. In Russian.
Starkov V. (2014) Korpus opublіkovanikh dzherel doslіdzhennya traditsіynoї іgrovoї kul’turi naselennya Ukraїni (opisi ta zgadki іgor rіznikh statevo-vіkovikh grup lyudnostі ta okremikh іgrovikh elementіv gromads’koї ta rodinnoї
obryadovostі) [Corpus of the published sources of the traditional culture of play research of the Ukrainian population (descriptions and mentions of games of different age groups of the population and separate game elements of public and family rites)]. Unіversitet [University]. 2014. No. 1–6. Pp. 24–40. In Ukrainian.
Starkov V. A. The traditional Ukrainian culture of play: The development of a database of sources during the period of the Ukrainian ethnographic movement (1861–1890). Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 2. Pp. 72–87. In Russian.