Traditional Culture as a System That Helped the Rural Russian Population of Siberia Overcome the Difficulties of Being in the Rear During the Great Patriotic War

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Key words
the rear, rural Russian population, social memory, everyday adaptation practices, labor and family traditions
Tatiana K. Shcheglova
About the Author
Татьяна Кирилловна Щеглова
Доктор исторических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой отечественной истории Алтайского государственного педагогического университета:
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Date of publication

This article discusses the importance of traditional culture in maintaining the life of rural society in the Siberian rear during the Great Patriotic War. It is based on field research using methods and sources of oral history to explore social memory. The article analyzes the relevance and mobility of folk traditions in everyday life, describes life-saving practices and their relationship with traditional skills, and determines the place of these practices in helping Russian peasants adapt to wartime social and economic needs. The author asserts that the adaptive system for overcoming difficulty was based on substitute technologies for providing food, housing, and clothing for the family. She considers the creative role of traditional culture and its flexibility in the sphere of kitchen gardening and domestic livestock. The article notes the tendency of their restructuring in order to replace basic components of the traditional culture of life support and to consider them secondary. Multifunctionality and versatility now serve as the criterion for adaptive substitution. Attention is paid to the gender and age redistribution of work responsibilities in the rural family, associated with the historical experience of raising children and family traditions. At the end of the study, the author proposes that traditional culture be considered a factor in Russia’s victory in the Great Patriotic War, and that the survival of peasant society in the difficult conditions of the rear be appreciated as an integral part of the population’s achievement.


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For citation

Shcheglova T. K. Traditional Culture as a System That Helped the Rural Russian Population of Siberia Overcome the Difficulties of Being in the Rear During the Great Patriotic War. Traditional Culture. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 2. Pp. 24–39. In Russian.