Todor,s Saturday (St. Theodore’s Day) in Mali Krčimir: Tradition and Revival

Key words
Todor’s Saturday, ritual, folklorism, institutionalism, intangible cultural heritage
Djordjevic Belic S., Popovic Nikolic D. 
About the Author
Smiljana Djordjevic Belic
Danijela Popovic Nikolic
Date of publication

This paper examines the celebration of Todor’s Saturday (Todorova subbota) in Mali Krčimir (Zaplanje, southeastern Serbia). After reviewing previous studies of relevant rituals in the Balkan context and reconstruction of the ritual based on available studies and ethnographic material, the authors provide a picture of this ritual practice within the traditional culture of Zaplanje. At the current moment the celebration of St. Theodore’s Day is positioned at the crossroads of the traditional and the institutionalized type of ritual.

The article analyzes transcripts of field conversations that illustrate emic polyphony. Their emic polylogue, which sometimes has a polemical character, centers on several themes: the interpretation of continuity and revival, the question of the right to tradition, nostalgic memories of the past and the relationship of past and present as a new problem. The article discusses ritual and customary practice related to the celebration of St. Theodore’s Day in the context of “negotiating authenticity” and the “new wave” of folklore, with attention to the specifics of Zaplanje. Finally, the article raises the question of the sustainability of St. Theodore’s Day practice, and the possibility and consequences of its eventual inclusion in the system of protecting the intangible cultural heritage.


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For citation

Djordjevic Belic S., Popovic Nikolic D. Todor’s Saturday (St. Theodore’s Day) in Mali Krčimir: Tradition and Revival. Traditional Culture. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 1. Pp. 107–119. In Russian.