E-mail: madonna1990.piliya@mail.ru
Tel.: + 7 (940) 990-94-99
1, Universitetskaya str., Sukhumi, 384904, Abkhazia Republic
Researcher, Nart Studies and Field Folkloristics Center at Abkhazian State University
This paper considers thingish realia of the Abkhazian fairytales associated with visiting another world. Thingish realia by means of which the hero of the Abkhazian fairytales visits other worlds form a rich and diverse corpus. Items — a thread spool oraclew, a large wicker “akutskha” basket, a belt, a carpet, a cloak, a mirror, a handkerchief, a bridge, a comb, an ink bottle, an awl, millet, a whetstone (sharpening stone), gourds (pumpkin), coal — help the hero to get to another world or to leave it. I. e., these realia help the hero to cross boundaries between worlds. This group of items is not homogeneous. It includes objects of the search quest, vehicles, things forming space, etc. Some of these items are not only used in fairytales, but they appear in oral incantations and are used in different rituals of Abkhazians.
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