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Key words
Komi folk-tale, the story-teller, folk culture, tradition, ritual function of narration, ceremonial (“epic”) story-teller, jokester-story-teller, individual style
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (8212) 20-17-02
26, Kommunisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar, 167982, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), senior researcher, Folklore Department, Institute of Language, Literature
and History, Komi Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

This paper is financially supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research of the Uralic division of the RAS, No. 15-13-6-30.project “Komi oral folk-tale tradition and contemporary folk story-tellers”.


The paper presents a study of th.complex problems associated with the art of Komi story-tellers. Abundance and diversity of Komi fairy-tales, recorded over a long period of time, a significant number of identified narrators, collectors’ observations concerning the characteristics and manner of performance of fairy tales, allow us to draw some conclusions on the role of story- tellers in the contemporary folk culture of Komi people:

1. Narration of tales wa.common in workers’ cooperatives and gangs and it was intended mainly for adults. Fabulous creativity in the Komi oral culture was developed mainly by male local narrators. Due to performers’ and audience’s gender repertoire deployed elaborated stories about adventures.

2. Although Komi folk-tales contain relict remnants of ancient magic functions inherent in them, they function for entertainment. They were told during the hours of leisure for amusement and brought esthetic pleasure.

3. Each of story-tellers had individual characteristics. Some of them knew one or two, or some few tales, others had a significant repertoire, including even several dozens of texts. Some story- tellers are average, others are born masters Choice of own fabulous repertoire from traditional inventory depended on personal preferences of the narrator. Not only words, but also gestures, facial expressions and voice were involved into creation of fabulous images.

Key words: Komi folk-tale, the story-teller, folk culture, tradition, ritual function of narration, ceremonial (“epic”) story-teller, jokester-story-teller, individual style.


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