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Key words
princess in Donkey Skin, Mouse skin coat, Cinderella, incest
About the Author
Тел.: + 48-56-611-37-83 3, Fosa Staromieska, 87-100, Toruń, Poland
DSc in Humanities, Professor of Slavic Languages, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Date of publication

The work was carried out under a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Development of Humanitarian Sciences “Tradition 1B”) No. 1bH15018483. The head of the grant is Violetta Wróblewska, DSc in Humanities, Professor at the University of Nicolaus Copernicus.


This article analyzes the composition and literary and folk origins of the wellknown international folktale type ATU 510B, “Donkey Skin”, whose plot concerns a father’s plan to marry his daughter. The girl is terrified at the prospect of the marriage and at first demands that she be made three marvellous dresses and then clothes made from animal hide. She finally leaves her family home and hires herself out as a servant in a neighbouring kingdom. After many adventures, the girl marries a prince. In Polish oral folklore, stories of this kind exist under the name “Mysi kożuszek” (T 510B “Mouseskin Coat”); they belong to one of three varieties of Cinderella folktales. Analysis shows that they were more influenced by the German variant (Allerleirauh by the Brothers Grimm) than by the French version (Peau d’âne by Charles Perrault), also about a young girl who wears animal-skin clothes. At the end of the tale, the prince usually recognizes the heroine not by a ring but by a slipper, which marks it as closer to stories about Cinderella.


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For citation

Rzepnikowska I. Stories of the ATU 510В “Donkey Skin” type in the Polish fairytale tradition. Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 1. Pp. 43–51. In Russian