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Key words
proxemic, organization of space, living house, Russian, West Siberia
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (905) 576-30-38
32a, Leninskiy av., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
PhD (History), senior researcher, Department of Cross-Culture Psychology and Human Ethology,
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences

This research is supported by the grant of the Russian State Fund for Humanities No. 13–31–01288 “Traditional and Contemporary Organization of Dwelling Space of the House: Cross-Culture Research”.


This paper examines changes of traditional organization of the space of dwelling house at the Russian Western Siberia during the 20th Century. Our field data collected in Novosibirsk region, has shown that many traditional features of space structuring of the house have been maintained among the Russian population during the first half of the 20th Century. Stability has been dictated by location of the Russian stove according to traditional heating system, as well as by standard set of furniture. Settling of Western Siberia occurred through peasant migration from various provinces of the Russian Empire and was characterized with subculture diversity in the organization of space of home. So far, we observe differences in standards of structuring of dwelling house place, that appeared among people, descent from different regions. The new location, as well as a new era, led to the formation of new Russian proxemic parameters. Our respondents noted that they have perceived norms of spatial organization of house as something immutable during their own childhood and adolescence and could not imagine to face such serious transformation in organization of the internal space of the house and intra-behavior rules in the house, as it has happened at the fall of their lives.


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