Key words
Soviet folkloristics, Yuriy Sokolov, Russian urban folklore, crime and prison songs, street singers
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (921) 792-23-30
3a, Gagarinskaya str., St. Petersburg, 191187, Russian Federation
PhD (Arts), professor of the Department of Anthropology, European University at St. Petersburg

The publication discovers an unknown fact of the Soviet folkloristics history and presents new materials on Russian urban folklore songs of the first part of 20th century. In 1933 famous Soviet folklorist Yu. M. Sokolov prepared a sourcebook called “Contemporary Folklore”, which included a lot of different rural and urban folklore texts recorded during some last years. The book was not printed, but the typescript was saved in the archive. Probably, Yu. M. Sokolov viewed this book as a program publication that could strengthen the position of folkloristics during the period, when some academic theories, approaches and entire disciplines underwent ideological repression. First, the book with the telling title “Contemporary Folklore” could demonstrate that folklore is not only a relic of conservative rural tradition, but it is a changeable and socially varied cultural phenomenon which expresses ideology and aesthetic positions of different social classes and groups. Such concept of folklore conformed to Sokolov’s own opinion and at the same time positioned folkloristics as a socially important discipline studying contemporary life, not only “alive antiquity”. Second, the sourcebook included the chapter “Folklore of the Declassed Strata of Village and City” which legitimized researches of marginal social groups’ folklore —  one of the most interesting subjects for Yu. M. Sokolov and some other soviet folklorists of that time. 24 songs from that chapter, qualified by Sokolov as “crime repertoire”, and the extract from his introduction “The Folklore at Our Time” are presented in the publication. This set of texts includes old crime and prison songs, crime songs of early Soviet period, gamins’ songs and ballads about sensational crimes created and sung by street singers.


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