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Key words
Russian civil war, songs, practices, performance, folklore
About the Author
Tel.: +7(822) 386-76-36
3, Gagarinskaya str., St. Petersburg, 191187, Russian Federation
Magister (Philology), post-graduate student, Department of Anthropology, European University at
St. Petersburg

The research concerning Russian Civil War songs is concentrated on texts of songs, which were composed or performed orally immediately during hostilities. Participants of both sides also used songs, that had been known before the war. Songs existed in different situations and forms, orally as well as written. The song is not only restricted to a text with certain tune, but its performance includes actions of some people in given situation. Singing exists as a practice. Thus, analysis from performance perspective should be based on samples of using songs, such as singing, composing by authors, often unknown, publishing etc. It enables to define factors of appearance and transition of song traditions and to characterize repertoire of different groups. War participants were singing, first of all, when marching, during leisure, during military rites, when leaving into combat, after a good fight, before the execution and being drunk. Some of these situations are typical of all military units, as well as of other wars, but some others, as singing before the execution by the enemy and leaving into combat, are specific for the Russian Civil War. Songs known before the war formed the basis of the oral repertoire. In 1918–1919 such songs prevailed in printed songsters too. New songs appeared either as published in newspapers and leaflets or handwritten in songsters. New songs were devoted to particular fights, operations, to the fighting way in general, to the everyday life, to the glorification of leaders and humiliation of enemies. They called to battle for the best future and mourned the fallen. Usually, a new song became a hymn of a military unit and was sung during parades or at crucial moments of the battle.


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