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Key words
scholarship history, urban folklore tradition, propaganda of traditions
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: + 7 (903) 126-54-83
8–3, Sverchkov side-str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), head of the sector of immaterial cultural heritage, State Russian House of Folk Creativity named after D. V. Polenov

The author studies life journey of Sergey Mikhailovich Lyubetskiy, who was a connoisseur of the urban folk life. He was not a professional researcher of Moscow urban folklore of the 19th century in narrow sense of the word. Materials that he had used in his work were not his own recordings most often. However his various data about urban folk entertainments, sights and historical places of Moscow and its vicinities were based on his own personal observations. The devotee author has been very attentive to the details of urban life. Due to it, his materials, with some reservations, can be considered as some of the first recorded samples on urban traditional culture and folklore. Lyubetskiy conducted an active work to promote Russian traditions. He tried to tell his contemporaries about customs, ritual, holidays, songs, legends of the Russian people and actively used works on folk culture. Sergei Mikhailovich combined his observations with information from the books of venerable authors, partly reprocessing it into a form more accessible to his readers. His work was aimed at popularizing folklore and traditional culture in the form which was possible in his time. 


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