Scholarship as Utopia: Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich’s Archival Polemics with Researchers of the Doukhobors

Key words
history of Soviet ethnography, Bonch-Bruevich, Doukhobors, Marxism
Svetlana G. Tambovtseva
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (981) 153-59-72
123, lit. A, Griboedov Canal, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russian Federation
MA in Anthropology, PhD Candidate, Teaching Assistant, Department of History, National Research University Higher School of Economics — St. Petersburg
Date of publication

e research was carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 19–312–90020, “Religious Folklore of the Doukhobors: History and Ritual Context, based at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences).


The reviews by V. D. Bonch-Bruevich, a revolutionary and specialist in religious movements, have not been studied and, for the most part, have not been published. Yet they not only contain the results of his many years of research, but also reflect the fate of the disciplines of history and ethnography in Soviet scholarship and politics. Thanks to his more than fifty years of work, Bonch-Bruevich was able to ensure continuity between Populist and late Soviet studies of religious movements. On the scale of his written legacy, the very number of reviews he wrote in the late period of his scholarship attracts attention. Having limited access to his contemporary scholarly life (both in the pre-Revolutionary and Soviet periods), he, as a field researcher, sought to generalize the scholarly achievements of his predecessors, to debunk persistent “armchair” and anti-sectarian stereotypes about the Doukhobors, distancing himself equally from both Populist and Soviet scholars. In many ways he anticipated the modern methodology and ethics of researching religious nonconformists. The article examines Bonch-Bruevich’s disagreements with the works of six authors belonging to different intellectual generations and political camps and also attempts to consider what place folklore material occupied in his methodology as a historian and ethnographer.


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For citation

Tambovtseva S. G. Scholarship as Utopia: Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich’s Archival Polemics with Researchers of the Doukhobors. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pp. 164–175. In Russian.