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Key words
house, dwelling, sacred place, mythology, Besermyans
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (3412) 68-89-11
4, Lomonosova str., Izhevsk, 426004, Russian Federation
PhD (History), senior researcher, Department of Historical Studies, Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature, Uralic department of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article deals with symbolism and ritual functions of sacred places in the contemporary rural house of the Besermyans, such as an icon corner, a table, a tie beam, an oven, a threshold and a door. Dwelling house appears as a mythological space in traditional notions and rituals. Mythological understanding of dwelling house is related to the categories of traditional world view like “center versus periphery”, “the Border”, “own versus alien” place. As the center The icon corner, the table and the oven are related with the Center, whereas the primary beam, the window, the threshold, the door and the chimney of the oven represent a Border. The storage place underneath the floor appears as an important sacred place also. Sacred places of the dwelling play an important role in daily live, are related with ethic norms, get utilized in magic practices, including healing, as well as in calendar, family and recruit, otherwise military service conscripts, farewell rituals. The traditional planning of the interior marks both the sacred center and the border, either strengthening of the symbolic connection between the person and his or her native house or on the contrary “tearing apart” from it, when crossing line between own and alien. Traditions, connected with the construction of the house and the celebration held when moving to the new house, have been preserved. The house and its specific locations are linked with the social status and gender roles of residents and visitors in rituals, guesting customs and etiquette.


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