The Representation of Youth Subcultures in Russian Documentary and Feature Films of 2010–2020

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Key words
visual anthropology, subcultures, teenagers, cinema
Erik T. Ilmuratov
About the Author
Moscow, Russian Federation Independent researcher
Date of publication

is article presents the results of a study conducted on the basis of one hundred Russian films released from 2010 to 2020. The study analyzes representations of youth subcultures in documentaries and feature films. This is an important subject from two perspectives. From the point of view of visual anthropology and film studies, it is important to understand the ways of displaying modern subcultures on the screen and the special language and means used by documentary and feature film directors. From the point of view of social anthropology, it is important to identify the most frequently represented subcultures and their features (appearance, ideology, musical preferences, age, gender, etc.), as well as distortions of their image. The theoretical significance of the research is to deepen the study of the representation of subcultures and youth in cinema, to examine the relevance of approaches to the phenomenon of subcultures, as well as to identify the features of representations in a specific period. The practical significance lies in the potential use of the work in the further study of Russian cinema and the shooting of visual anthropology films. In addition, the study contributes to the development of a methodology for studying youth communities and more detailed study by social anthropology.


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For citation

Ilmuratov E. T. The Representation of Youth Subcultures in Russian Documentary and Feature Films of 2010–2020. Traditional Culture. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 4. Pp. 73–83. In Russian.