The Reflection of Psycho-Emotional States in Spatial and Body Codes in Wedding Lamentations of the North

Key words
wedding lamentations, poetics, psycho-folkloristics, body code, spatial code, intrapersonal conflict
Viacheslav A. Pozdeev
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (8212) 20-17-02
26, Kommunisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar, 167982, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Professor, Head Researcher, Folklore Sector, Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
Date of publication

The work was carried out within the framework of the planned topic of research work (registration number 121051400044-2).


This article deals with the psycho-emotional state of the bride in the poetics of Russian and Finno-Ugric wedding lamentations. It takes an integrated approach to the study of spatial and bodily codes and shows how the psycho-emotional states of the bride and other participants in the wedding ceremony reflect intrapersonal conflicts. The analysis focuses on the emotive vocabulary of lamentations as a marker of these states. According to the author, this reveals the situation that preceded the particular wedding ceremony and lamentation. The lamentations of the Russian North thus have an improvisational character, as performers introduce individual, creative elements into stereotypical texts. The works they create are both inextricably linked to poetic traditions of the ethnic environment and at the same time contain new poetic material assimilated into this environment. The author expands the theoretical approach to wedding genres. As the study of bodily and spatial codes shows, psycho-emotional states reflected in lamentations are influenced by: 1) the tradition of the ritual situation: 2) the psycho-emotional tradition; and 3) the regional singing tradition (performance). The article is based on lamentations recorded in the North of Russia.


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For citation

Pozdeev V. A. The Reflection of Psycho-Emotional States in Spatial and Body Codes in Wedding Lamentations of the North. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pp. 49–58. In Russian.