PROBLEM OF MAPPING BELARUSIAN CHRISTMAS RITUAL “TERESHKA’S WEDDING” (based on fi eld research materials from Omsk Irtysh the river’s basin)

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Key words
the method of mapping, the ritual of “Tereshka’s wedding”, Belarusian migrants, Omsk Irtysh the river’s basin
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: + 7 (3812) 23-37-73
4a, Partizanskaya str., Partizanskaya, 644043, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology) applicant, Literature and Cultural Studies Department, Philological Faculty, Omsk State Pedagogical University

The article is dedicated to the Belarusian ritual “Tereshka’s wedding” which has appeared in Irtysh’ the river’s basin of Omsk region. “Tereshka’s wedding” is a Belarusian Yuletide ritual game set which function can be compared to evening youth gatherings as the Russian traditional “vechyorka”.

The author uses one of the traditional culture studying methods — the mapping method in the research. There are main problems arising during the analysis of the available material, its areal mapping, and possible ways of their solutions are identifi ed in the article. The research method of mapping is for the fi rst time applied to the Christmas-Yuletide ritualism of “Tereshka’s wedding” based on recordings from the territory of Irtysh the river’s basin. The article contains the map of appearance of the “Tereshka’s wedding” in Omsk region. This mapping enables to outline the boundary of existence of the game complex at the region. The greatest number of the ethnographic material on this ritual was recorded from the northern areas of the region at localities with a high proportion of Belarusian migrants in population. Available publications, collections of folklore and ethnographic archives on the region and the recent fi eld data have formed main sources of information for the compilation of the maps. Results of the present study can be used both for description of the existing tradition and of the territory where this ritual culture phenomenon of the Belarusians is being projected.

Supplementary materials to the map contain a table with a brief historical note about the mapped settlements. The present study builds the basis for a further development of this subject. Promising direction is the research of the problem about the existence and the preservation of the local tradition in a foreign ethnic habitat as well comparative analysis dealing with the territory of the tradition’s origin


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