E-mail: markovna_s@mail.ru Tel. +7 (342) 221-97-04
General manager of the Perm State House of National Arts and Amateur Creativity “Gubernia”
4, Sovietskoi Armii st., Perm, 614066, Russian Federation
E-mail: kozhanova@permdnt.ru Tel. +7 (342) 221-71-59
Lead Specialist of Ethno-center in the Perm State House of National Arts and Amateur Creativity “Gubernia”
4, Sovietskoi Armii st., Perm, 614066, Russian Federation
The article deals with different aspects of the problem of intangible cultural heritage actualization, with regard to the ambiguity of the term “actualization”, which is used to mean either revival or making something actual and/or popular, depending on the context. The main goal is to find ways of actualization of traditional cultural practices that would not just copy and replicate the material phenomena of the traditional culture, but also preserve its historical authority, as well as its core features such as syncretism, personal role of each participant and respectfulness of the concept.
The first part of the article is devoted to the problems of reclaiming and recovering the traditional culture that has been lost or diluted over the ages in rural areas, and gives some examples of success. The second part deals with specifics of popularizing the traditional culture and the intangible cultural heritage in modern urban areas. Authors provide a case study from their own practice within Perm State House of National Arts and Amateur Creativity “Gubernia” and their own considerations of what should be taken into account to make projects dedicated to intangible cultural heritage conservation and popularization worthwhile.
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