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Key words
Russian funeral laments, funerary and memorial rites, Orel Region.
About the Author
E-mail: ogiik.nhk@mail.ru Tel.: + 7 (48622) 41-61-91 15,
Leskov str., Orel, 302020, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Head of the Department of Theory and History of Artistic Folk Culture, Orel State Institute of Culture
Date of publication

The article is devoted to the manuscript collection of lamentation texts from the Maloarkhangelsky uezd of the Orel Province that are stored in the I. S. Turgenev Orel Combined State Museum. The collection is of particular value due the almost complete lack of publications about funerary lamentations from the Orel Region. The analyzed texts were recorded during a period when the tradition of funeral and memorial lamentations was not yet lost but was actively practiced. On the basis of the author’s research on sources, the article highlights the origin of these materials and clarifies their attributive parameters. A connection is established between the lamentations and parts of the funeral ceremony. The most characteristic motifs and images of the Orel lamentations are considered within the context of the mythopoetics of funerary ritual. Several locally specific features in the development of the texts’ motif and imagery system are identified.


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For citation

Leonova B. F. Funeral commemoration in the Orel Province in documents of the 1920s. Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 1. Pp. 68–78. In Russian.